Diabetic Shoes & Sandals
189 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. In Germany, there are currently approx. 8 million people with diabetes. Of these, approx. 5% are type I diabetics and 95% are type II diabetics.
The St. Vincent Declaration of 1989 set the target of reducing the diabetic amputation rate by 50%. This is realistic (including in Germany) if the necessary prophylactic-therapeutic and rehabilitative care concept is implemented in interdisciplinary working special outpatient departments. This concept includes diabetological, podiatric and orthopaedic measures and works closely together with other fields. Prophylaxis is particularly important here. Especially for patients with more or less marked neuropathy, optimum footwear plays an important role in preventive care. For example, if initial pressure sores or calluses appear under the sole, the damaged area must be immediately relieved. After removing the calluses, ready-to-wear special shoes reduce further strain.
THANNER „DIABETICUS+RHEUMATICUS®” special shoes fulfil the necessary conditions without the need for a custom-made orthopaedic shoe straight away.
The special „DIABETICUS+RHEUMATICUS®” shoe from THANNER has been developed especially for these needs in close collaboration with renowned consultants and orthopaedic shoe technicians.
The shoes are measured by a trained orthopaedic technician, i.e. they determine the length and width of the shoe on the basis of a footprint. They can also order a different size and width for the right foot than for the left foot (additional charge). The width is determined by the ball girth and the thickness of the insole to be made. Soft foam insoles or diabetes-adapted insoles up to 1.5 cm thick can be integrated.
THANNER „DIABETICUS+RHEUMATICUS®“ are class I MDD medical devices to Article 2(a) with CE mark. The shoes are solely made by us in-house in Germany. All materials have been tested for harmlessness, carcinogenicity and toxicology.
The effectiveness of the special „DIABETICUS+RHEUMATICUS®“ footwear from THANNER has been substantiated by several clinical tests (prospective studies). In 1998 by Dr. Frank Striesow (Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf) with the study titled “Ready-to-wear special footwear as ulcer prophylaxis for diabetic foot syndrome” and in 2002 by Dr. M. Veitenhansl (Diabetological Foot Outpatients’ Centre of the Inner City Medical Clinic in Munich) “Scientific observation of applications for proper shoe provision for diabetics with diabetic foot syndrome (DFS)”. Both studies conclude that with ready-to-ear special THANNER „DIABETICUS+RHEUMATICUS®“ footwear, the recurrence rate is significantly reduced, depending on the daily period of use.
Medical aid number in Germany:
1 pair ready-to-wear special THANNER „DIABETICUS+RHEUMATICUS®“

5 collections, one goal
Special shoes for people with diabetes
Medically recognized, diverse and more fashionable than ever: the right footwear for diabetic foot syndrome.